Oil and Gas Calculator
This calculator is designed to show you the net investment amount in the first year of participating in a project. There are significant tax benefits to drilling or conducting work on a well. Simply enter your total investment amount and your tax bracket to see your potential investment savings. If you wish to save the results for future reference, you can enter your email address at the bottom of the calculator to receive a copy. Please note that this calculator is for demonstration purposes only and should not be taken as tax advice. Consult a personal accountant for any tax-related questions or benefits specific to oil and gas investments.
BARRELS TO CASH calculator
calculator #2
We get asked every day how much my check will be each month if the well produces a certain amount at a certain price. To make it easier for you, we have created a tool to determine all scenarios on your own. This way, you can experiment with different scenarios and see how changes in price, production, expenses, and taxes will affect your monthly income. Simply input a certain percentage of Working Interest and adjust the parameters to meet your expectations. Feel free to create multiple scenarios and send them to yourself to see the different outcomes.
nAT. GAS TO CASH calculator
We are asked every day about how much the monthly check will be if a well produces a certain amount at a certain price. To make it easier for you, we have created a tool that allows you to determine all scenarios on your own. By inputting a specific Working Interest percentage and adjusting various parameters, you can see how changes in price, production, expenses, and taxes will affect your monthly income. Feel free to create multiple scenarios and send them to yourself for comparison.
rate of return calculator
calculator #4
The first three calculators work together in this final step. You can determine your NET INVESTMENT and the BARRELS TO CASH and NAT. GAS TO CASH estimates to see your rate of return. Note that this is for demonstration purposes only and you should consult with your CPA or accountant for tax advice. If you have any questions or issues with these calculators, please don't hesitate to give us a call for assistance and an explanation.

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*These calculators are for demonstration and example purposes only. They are not to be used as accounting advise or anticipated rate of return. Please consult your CPA or accountant to see how you can benefit from the tax benefits from Oil and Gas.